DWG Import for Inventor
Over these past few years my company, SYCODE, has earned the reputation of being a company that specializes in developing file import and export plug-ins for CAD systems. After all 91 of our 107 products are file import or export plug-ins. We get all sorts of requests from people all shapes and sizes wanting to get a particular file format in or out of their CAD system. Whenever possible, we fulfill these requests and then "productize" the feature so that we may help other users in the future.
Today we got a very interesting request - a plug-in for Inventor to import AutoCAD DWG files. I never thought I would see this day. After all the noise that Autodesk has been making about increased interoperability between their products, there are still some unhappy customers. This particular customer is not happy with the way Inventor treats his DWG data and wants us to solve his problem. Well, SYCODE became an Autodesk partner for exactly that reason - to solve customer's problems.
If we are able to solve this customer's problem you may very well find a "DWG Import for Inventor" on our products page. It almost sounds like an oxymoron.
Today we got a very interesting request - a plug-in for Inventor to import AutoCAD DWG files. I never thought I would see this day. After all the noise that Autodesk has been making about increased interoperability between their products, there are still some unhappy customers. This particular customer is not happy with the way Inventor treats his DWG data and wants us to solve his problem. Well, SYCODE became an Autodesk partner for exactly that reason - to solve customer's problems.
If we are able to solve this customer's problem you may very well find a "DWG Import for Inventor" on our products page. It almost sounds like an oxymoron.
Your customer's request is fascinating in light of the email blast Autodesk sent out last week:
"Only Autodesk Inventor can read and write DWG data without the need for translators... Accurately communicate using the DWG format."
Anonymous, At
8:58 PM, November 20, 2008
'the email blast' and the reality of interoperability, using Autodesk's products, are as removed from one another as is 'chalk and cheese'
Autodesk continues to fail to see and understand the enormous advantages their market position gives (maybe gave) them to address the very wide and complex range of needs, CADD users have, and the importance of keeping them closely linked.
They sit in the box seat and thru' shear laziness and marketing stupidity are messing-up theirs' and our nests; costing many customers considerable amounts of lost time and money.
If Autodesk think 'email blasting' technical users is an appropriate solution to a real problem in OUR market place maybe it is time they thought of buying 'dunnys' for there staff to spend the day in in preference to continuing to think they have a role in the CADD market place.
Anonymous, At
3:02 AM, November 21, 2008
funny, i can import a .dwg into SolidWorks fairly easily.....
Anonymous, At
10:58 AM, July 28, 2010
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