The Plan
I come from an average middle class Indian family and my life appears to be following pretty much the standard plan. When you are in college, you have all these wild things that you want to do and have all the time in the world to do them and but cannot because you have no money. You then take up a job and start making some money. Most of us join the rat race and work our asses off for someone else till we retire. A very few of us (like me) break out from the rat race, become entrepreneurs and make others work their asses off for us. Unknowingly, I have ended up working my ass off far more for myself, than what I would be doing if I were still in the rat race. At this stage in life, while I have all the money in the world to do the wild things that I wanted to do when I was “young”, I simply cannot find the time to do it. According to the plan, this will go on till I retire. At that point, I will have all the money and time at my disposal, but my screwed up health will make it physically impossible for me to do the wild things that I wanted to do for all these years.
I don’t like this plan and I have decided to do something about it. Iron Maiden is coming to Bangalore this Sunday and I am going to see them live in concert. I have found an equally frustrated friend who does not like the plan either. We plan to keep our wives and kids at home, fly our asses to Bangalore, stay in the best hotel, get ourselves stoned, find a place in the mosh pit, headbang till we can do it no more and fly our asses back home.
This sounds like a much better plan. My ultimate wish is to see Pink Floyd live in concert before I die or before they die, whichever is earlier.
I don’t like this plan and I have decided to do something about it. Iron Maiden is coming to Bangalore this Sunday and I am going to see them live in concert. I have found an equally frustrated friend who does not like the plan either. We plan to keep our wives and kids at home, fly our asses to Bangalore, stay in the best hotel, get ourselves stoned, find a place in the mosh pit, headbang till we can do it no more and fly our asses back home.
This sounds like a much better plan. My ultimate wish is to see Pink Floyd live in concert before I die or before they die, whichever is earlier.
Which part of Pink Floyd? Roger Waters or David Gilmour and his companions? If they ever tour again (even if not together), I'll stand in line as well.
Have fun!
stefkeB, At
4:08 PM, February 11, 2009
My life is for living.
Mark Whiting, At
7:16 PM, February 11, 2009
The David Gilmour version of Pink Floyd. Roger Waters blessed India with his presence some years ago, but something came in the way and I could not make it. If it was Gilmour, I would have been there.
Deelip Menezes, At
8:06 PM, February 11, 2009
It's good to do something wild every once in a while. I flew to Philadelphia and was there for less than 24 hours:
Anonymous, At
10:18 PM, February 11, 2009
I'm not too worried about doing anything wild, but I also want to see David Gilmour perform before I die. Unfortunately, every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time.
Owen Wengerd, At
2:42 AM, February 12, 2009
the phrase is ass OFF (not out)
Anonymous, At
5:08 AM, February 12, 2009
Let me know when you would be free. Shall try to meet up when you are at Bangalore
Rajeev Lochan
Anonymous, At
8:15 AM, February 12, 2009
Hi Deelip
I have seen Roger waters In concert and it was an awesome experience.
However I like the energy present in heavy metal concerts.
So you are definitely going to enjoy yourself
Have fun
Dudi Peer
Anonymous, At
7:12 PM, February 13, 2009
What's that saying? Do what you need to do to keep yourself sane. The world needs more sanity. Have fun!
Anonymous, At
6:03 PM, February 22, 2009
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