Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Look Who's Bending - Part 2

Thanks to those who commented to my earlier post, "Look Who's Bending". I have a few comments myself.

Rob: "Why would anyone let one user upgrade and leave everyone else behind?"

One very good reason would be to determine whether it is worth upgrading in the first place. I believe users are entitled to do cost-benefit analysis to see whether the new whiz-bang features can and will find a place in their workflow. By the way, I still sell add-ins to SolidWorks 2001 users who are perfectly happy with their software.

Anonymous: "Perhaps they assumed a 3rd party would naturally fill the void with a back-converter. This could be a FeatureWorks on steroids. I'm amazed that no one has stepped in to fill this very real need."

I would be the first to write a back converter, but this would require SolidWorks to publish their file formats or provide me with an SDK. Now, if you have been reading this blog, believe me, you don't want to get me started on this topic.

Anonymous: "I am not sure why you used SolidWorks as an example. No other parametric tool can do the backwardly compatible trick either that I am aware of."

Yes, it seems that I am targeting SolidWorks. Actually this applies to all parametric solid modelers.

Anonymous: "I don’t think your example of AutoCAD 2007 solids into wire frame for older versions of AutoCAD is an apples to apples example."

Yes, I agree that this is not an apples to apples example. The problem is that I could not find another apple to compare this apple with.

Anonymous: "Since all features are related, why would you want to insert one dumb feature? If you had the ability to modify an imported part parametrically from a future version, with one or two dump features, I can’t see anything but disaster on the horizon. The logical process would be that this modified part would wind up back in the hands of the user using the future version after modification. How would parametric parameters be reapplied to the dumb feature?"

If you study the "new features" you will see that most of them are actually "new methods" or "easier methods" of doing old things such as extrude, cut, revolve, sweep, loft, fillet, chamfer, draft, etc. Basic solid modeling techniques have largely remained the same. Surely there will be instances when you simply cannot break down new features into older ones. Only in such cases, a dumb solid will be required. It's better having a dumb solid than not having anything at all. At least there will be a one-way conversation if not a two-way, as opposed to silence.

My point is, why force users to exchange dumb solids (by Parasolid, ACIS, etc.) when, in probably most cases, you can offer them an option of exchanging featured solids. But, I guess, we all know the answer to that.

Hey, I am not saying it is easy. But I wasn't the one talking about bending.


  • Hello,

    How many of your friends use OS Windows 95 today???
    Yes, the CAD industry is earning from new revisions and subscription, but also it goes to R& D and innovations.
    Yes, your friends with SolidWorks 2001 can do the job (they can also do it with AutoCad or just pen and paper) but your trend is blocking new technology and innovations.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 2:07 PM, February 18, 2007  

  • I understand completely the concept of R&D and the costs involved with it since I am a software developer myself. I also know I will earn much more if I force my customers to upgrade more often. But I do think that customers have a right to do a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether a certain upgrade is required by them or not.

    Software vendors who want to innovate will do it anyway and the people who feel the need for the innovation should end up paying for it, not everyone.

    Why should you be forced to buy a racing car when your cute little car does a perfectly good job taking you around?

    By Blogger Deelip Menezes, At 1:45 PM, February 19, 2007  

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