Recession and the CAD Media
With Cadalyst going down under, things do not appear to be looking good for the CAD media. Today I got yet another email from yet another publication asking me read stuff like "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Don't Skimp on Their Ad Budgets" and "Don't Let Hard Times Derail Your Advertising" and then buy some ad space. I couldn't help but notice that the frequency of such emails has increased significantly over the past month or so.
SYCODE is a tiny company making tiny plug-ins. We have never advertised in the past and do not have plans of advertising at present or in the near future. So this can mean one of two things. Either we are getting famous or they are getting desperate. I hope it is the former, for their sake and ours.
SYCODE is a tiny company making tiny plug-ins. We have never advertised in the past and do not have plans of advertising at present or in the near future. So this can mean one of two things. Either we are getting famous or they are getting desperate. I hope it is the former, for their sake and ours.
A local radio station is running ads encouraging businesses to advertise "so that when the recession ends, customers will have your name in mind."
The subtext: our radio station is suffering, and needs your cash.
Anonymous, At
3:02 AM, February 20, 2009
Ralph, that's a crazy argument. It makes more sense to advertise on that radio station on the day the recession ends as opposed to one or two years earlier. People don't remember what they ate for breakfast the day before, let alone what they heard on the radio months or years ago.
I understand that advertising in bad times gives the impression that you are doing well and goes to reinforce your brand. I get all of that. But I would prefer spending more of my money telling people that my product is good when they have the money to buy it as opposed to when they don't.
Deelip Menezes, At
11:25 AM, February 20, 2009
Why don't you advertise on your own blog, as many readers for your articles, tutorials on various CAD products. Will help SYCODE get into minds of readers. And make tiny company grow better way!
Anonymous, At
12:15 PM, February 20, 2009
Err... well... you see... I guess that's precisely what I have been doing for the past couple of years.
Deelip Menezes, At
12:46 PM, February 20, 2009
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