Thursday, November 27, 2008

This is Depressing

This morning Indians woke up to the horror of the worst terrorist attack that we have ever faced. With more than a 100 people dead and hundreds more injured we still have a hostage situation at the Trident hotel.

Terrorist attacks have been fairly common here in recent times. We have had serial bombs blasts in crowded markets, trains, buses and buildings. These were carried out by cowards pressing a button from some safe place. But nothing like this - maniacs armed to the teeth with automatic weapons and grenades, opening fire indiscriminately at railway stations, on streets and taking hostages at 5 star hotels. This is unprecedented.

Personally, my feelings towards these kind of mind wreaking incidents have evolved over the part few years. First it was shock and disbelief. As the frequency of these incidents increased it turned to anger, first towards the terrorists and then towards the government for failing to keep us safe. As the terrorists continued to strike as will, it turned to helplessness. I now feel depressed.

There is a limit to how much we as a country can take. We crossed that limit years ago. I am sorry. I am just rambling. I cannot put my mind to doing anything worthwhile today.

This is depressing.


  • Our symphathies for what the people of India faced yesterday. My wife and I spend hours watching Indian tv over the Internet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:53 PM, November 27, 2008  

  • Deelip, India is in our thoughts, the reaction here in the U.S. is shock and horror, too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3:17 AM, November 28, 2008  

  • Deelip,
    These events touch us all; none of us are immune from the hurt and the feelings of people we 'know', but may ever meet.
    Our households thoughts are with those who have been directly involved, you Deelip, your family, and your fellow countrymen.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:36 AM, November 28, 2008  

  • your not rambling Deelip. I'm thinking and praying for all affected, the country, the moral. Those terrorist can take a lot of lives, but not the pride and resilience of a nation like yours, nor the love and memories of the people harmed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:09 PM, November 28, 2008  

  • The worlds thoughts and prayers are with the people of India. We have two people on our team from India, one is in Mumbai for his wedding right now. As the world has become smaller, these events are more personal for all of us.

    By Blogger Rod., At 10:52 PM, November 28, 2008  

  • Deelip,

    I hope this will be the last tragedy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 8:58 AM, November 29, 2008  

  • Deelip, I send our thoughts and hopes for the safety of you and your family. The Mumbai events are shocking and as the world gets smaller, so each such incident involves us all, directly or indirectly.

    By Blogger Rachael Taggart, At 9:34 PM, December 01, 2008  

  • very sad and, sorry, belated response.

    By Blogger Paul Salvador, At 11:57 PM, December 01, 2008  

  • Deelip, my thoughts continue to be with you and your country. Hold steadfast to the good.

    By Blogger Dora, At 2:15 AM, December 03, 2008  

  • Akhil,

    Gujarat felt worse that this because the people doing it were our own.

    By Blogger Deelip Menezes, At 11:36 PM, December 04, 2008  

  • Unfortunately, this is not going to be the last nor the worst is over.

    In a country where law has no respect at any level, and Politicians Administration and Media, for their personal gains, seem to be sleeping partners - if not hand-in-glove - with the criminal gangs, what else can you expect?

    Sadly, there is no place for a self-respecting person in this country. And there does not seem to be any ray of hope that things could be turned back for any better.

    If Pakistan is a migrain today Bharat (ie India) is very likely to be a major headache in the future.

    My only hope is that some pied piper comes and prevents this.

    - Sanjay Kulkarni.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:01 PM, December 06, 2008  

  • Akhil,

    Running away from your problems does not solve them. They just follow you wherever you go.

    Last week a report coming out from the US suggested that the next major terrorist attack on the US would originate from Pakistan. There are reasons why Albright called Pakistan an international migraine. In fact she listed them in excrutiating detail, when she made that statement.

    The Pakistan problem needs to be solved before a mushroom cloud replaces a city and the people that reside in it, wherever in the world that may be.

    By Blogger Deelip Menezes, At 10:55 AM, December 07, 2008  

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